IPADS Introductory Course 2023

We are honored to invite Dr. Manfred Denich from Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. He gave our IPADS students great lecture series “IPADS Introductory course” in this week (Oct. 11-13, 2023).  

Memorandum of Understanding with University of Bonn renewed

We are excited to announce that memorandum of understanding between the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Tokyo and the University of Bonn was renewed. The detail article is the link bellowed. https://www.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/news_e/news_e_20221201-1.html

IPADS has started collaboration on Online Education with the University of Bonn (ZEF) and other international partners

Education and research are the most severely affected sectors due to the latest worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. Universities and other higher educational institutes had to face an unprecedented challenge including switching their coursework method from in-classroom to online. While universities across the world are individually exerting efforts to cope with this situation, IPADS has taken

IPADS-ZEF joint activities 2019

Since 2015, IPADS and ZEF (Center for Development Research, University of Bonn) have jointly conducted the collaborative educational programs including joint coursework, seminar and various cultural activities. The 2019 IPADS-ZEF collaboration has started with joint coursework on “Resilience of Ecological and Social Systems” for June 13th – 19th at Yayoi campus of the University of

Welcome ZEF junior researchers and professor!

IPADS – ZEF Joint Coursework Initiative  2018  (April  15 ~ 23) As part of IPADS–ZEF Joint Coursework Initiative, IPADS welcomed 4 junior researchers and Professor Guenther Manske from ZEF (Center for Development Research) of University of Bonn, Germany in April at the Yayoi campus in Tokyo. During 9 days in the University of Tokyo, IPADS

Symposium on the Strategic Partnership between University of Bonn and University of Tokyo

“One Health approach for Africa and Asia —- On-site innovation in health, nutrition, and agriculture for rural communities — “ held on 22 March, 2017 As part of the educational and research collaboration with the University of Bonn, International Symposium “One Health approach for Africa and Asia — On-site innovation in health, nutrition, and agriculture

Spotlight Professor Christian Borgemeister

“They [human, animal, plant and ecological health] are all interconnected. This interconnectedness is what makes it interesting.” Interview with Professor Christian Borgemeister, Managing Director, ZEF (Center of Development Research), University of Bonn, Germany In Professor Borgemeister’s office, there is a huge painting hanging above one of the couches of various commercialized snack packages that are