Welcome ZEF junior researchers and professor!

IPADS – ZEF Joint Coursework Initiative  2018  (April  15 ~ 23)

As part of IPADS–ZEF Joint Coursework Initiative, IPADS welcomed 4 junior researchers and Professor Guenther Manske from ZEF (Center for Development Research) of University of Bonn, Germany in April at the Yayoi campus in Tokyo.

During 9 days in the University of Tokyo, IPADS and ZEF jointly conducted a Workshop of Junior Researchers chaired by Dr. Hiroe Ishihara, IPADS Assistant Professor at the Yayoi Auditorium Annex, IPADS Crop Modeling course by Dr. Kensuke Okada, IPADS Director at ISAS (Institute for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem Services) in Nishi Tokyo City,  as well as one day trip to Kamakura together.

The research titles presented at the Joint Workshop of Junior Researchers on April 16 were:

  • Agricultural application of rock dusts in the contest of One Health: A case study about waste mica as a potassium source by Philipp Swaboda (ZEF-One Health, U-Bonn)
  • Coastal ecosystems after the 2011 Mega-earthquake and tsunami: Changes in the hermit crab assemblage by Carlos Andres Satizabal (IPADS, UTokyo)
  • Land cover change effect on moisture recycling and its implication for food security along the transition belt of Ghana by Salamatu Shaibu (ZEF-c (Ecology), U-Bonn)
  • Land cover change effect on tropical deforestation and GHG emission in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia by Kiswanto (Lab. of Global Forest Environmental Sciences, Dept. of Global Agricultural Sciences, U-Tokyo)
  • Potential yield and yield gaps in the cropping systems of the Colombian Caribbean under the scenario of global climate change: Climate change impact over agricultural production in a semiarid climate by Oscar Burbano-Figueroa (ZEF-c (Ecology), U-Bonn)
  • Crop-Climate modeling as a primary tool for assessing the impacts, risks and adaptation strategies to seasonal climate variability – South American case studies by Camilo Barrios Perez (Lab. of International Agricultural Development Studies, Dept. of Global Agricultural Sciences, U-Tokyo)
  • Assessing the conventional and organic agricultural systems in Kenya on contribution to productivity, profitability and sustainability by John Ndungu (ZEF-c (Ecology), U-Bonn)
  • Premium Chocolate in Japan: Fad or here to stay? by Jeana Cadby (IPADS, Lab. of International Plant Resources, Dept. of Global Agricultural Sciences, U-Tokyo)

The Joint lectures and the Workshop took place under the IPADS-ZEF joint coursework initiative, ZEF-IPADS strategic partnership in research and education established under collaborative agreement signed on December 2015 between ZEF and IPADS.