IPADS offers various areas of research that constitute the fundamentals of agricultural development studies.

The research component of the MSc program and the entire PhD program are conducted under the supervision of one or more of the School’s faculty. Students have opportunities to work with suitable members of staff to satisfy their own requirements and research interest.
Research topics currently being undertaken at the School include, but are not limited to:
*1 : Adjunct faculty who can also supervise postgraduate students
*2 : Unable to become thesis supervisor
*3 : Unable to become thesis supervisor for PhD student
Plant Material Science
- Faculty:
- Yukie SAITO, Professor *2
- Satoshi KUBO, Associate Professor *1
- Technology development to use under-utilized plant resources
- Study on function of plant components in ecosystems
- Development of the techniques for performance evaluation of material for lesser-utilized biomass resources
- Effective utilization of lignin and other chemicals from wood materials
- Wood-based building materials and components
Plant Biotechnology
- Faculty:
- Hiromi NAKANISHI, Associate Professor
Matthias WISSUWA, Associate Professor *1
- Identification and isolation of Fe acquisition related genes from graminaceous plants.
- Identification of Fe-deficiency inducible gene expression mechanism
- Plant tissue culture to introduce useful genes to produce functional molecules
- Genetic studies on acquisition and efficient use of phosphorus
- Analysis of stress response and molecular genetic breeding of stress tolerant plant
Food Science
- Faculty:
- Tetsuya ARAKI, Associate Professor
- Food engineering including the optimization of freeze-drying processes
- Value chain analysis in developing countries
- Application of membrane separation technology for food processing
- Optimal distribution model for fresh produce in rural Java, Indonesia
- Faculty:
- Masaru MIZOGUCHI, Professor *3
- Constructing monitoring system for agricultural and soil information using IT technologies
- Engineering development in the conservation of agricultural farm
- Faculty:
- Nobuyuki YAGI, Professor
- Shuichi ASAKAWA, Professor
Marcy N. WILDER, Professor *1
Tomohiko KAWAMURA, Professor *2
- Yutaro SAKAI, Associate Professor
- Hiroe ISHIHARA, Associate Professor (Environmental Sociology)
- Economics and policy for conserving marine biological resources
- Analysis of marine biodiversity and economic development
- Life histories, population dynamics and community structures of coastal fishes in southern Japan and Southeast Asia
- Material cycles and food web systems of coastal areas in Southeast Asia
- Improvement of aquaculture systems for sustainable utilization of coastal environments in Southeast Asia
- Genome analysis of pearl oyster, eel, tuna, grouper, flatworm, dolphin, sea slug, shark, etc.
- Metagenome/environmental DNA analysis of the Pacific ocean, Japanese coastal area
Environmental Science
- Faculty:
- Mitsuo YAMAMOTO, Associate Professor
- Influence of rice paddy fields on iron dynamics in rivers and the structural features of humic acids in their sediments
- Influence of freshwater from terrestrial sources on iron concentrations in coastal areas
- Effective utilization of agricultural waste in Africa for environmental conservation
Soil Science
- Faculty:
- Taku NISHIMURA, Professor
- Unsaturated water and solute transport through soils
- Colloid facilitated migration of pollutants
- Behavior of Cs in soil
- Remediation of alkalization and salinization of clayey soil
- Effect of forest fire on soil physical and chemical properties
- Water erosion and conservation of sloped agriculturallands
- How biochar and compost affects soil physical properties
- GHG emission from agricultural lands
- Faculty:
- Toshiya OKURO, Professor
- Land and vegetation dynamics in agro-ecosystemm
- Sustainable land use planning/management
- Restoration and sustainable use of ecosystem services
- Biodiversity conservation
Applicants for the PhD program must contact their potential supervisor(s) DIRECTLY and prepare a research proposal with him/her/them prior to application. The IPADS Office does not offer assistance for potential applicants to select their PhD supervisors.
For the MSc program, prospective students shortlisted for admission will be able to contact their potential supervisors to discuss research opportunities. Until then, all MSc application-related inquiries should be directed to the IPADS Office.
>> go to the faculty list